Everything you want to learn... all at your fingertips

We are in an age of collective feminine rising, womb awakening, and pleasure activation. Throughout the years, I've shared over 50 hours of classes with the central theme of Feminine Embodiment. This bundle contains all the codes your Feminine essence has been craving. Ready to dive in?

  • This is for you if....

  • You have been doing the mindset and spiritual work but still feel disconnected from your body

  • You find it hard to express yourself creatively and own your desires

  • You want to learn more about your sensuality, pleasure, and Feminine energy

Invest in your Pleasure

The biggest sale of the year ends in...

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Embodied Woman Vault

    • Awakening the Pleasure Body

    • The Sexually Expressed Woman

    • Holy Desire & Feminine Embodiment

    • Womb Wisdom

    • Sex + Money Energetics

    • Depth and Desire

    • The Fierce Feminine

    • Honoring the Inner Union

    • Shadow Shame Sex

    • The Art of Arousal Embodiment Class

    • Dripping Devotion pt. 1

    • Dripping Devotion Pt. 2 {Embodiment Practice}

    • ILLUMINATE: The Light Side of the Dark Feminine

    • Yoni Egg Intro + Practice

    • Yoni De-Armouring Mini Guide

    • Yoni De Armouring Guided Audio

    • Accessing Pleasure Class

    • Self Intimacy Intensive Part 1

    • Self Intimacy Intensive Part 2

    • Self Intimacy Intensive Week 3

    • Devotion & Desire Masterclass

Your Activation Awaits...

It's time to fully embody the woman you came here to be.


Embodied and Free

Taylor T. 26, Entrepreneur

Thank you for helping me untame the wild woman & embody the goddess within me. I have never felt so radiant, so connected, so alive, so free.

The transformation I’ve seen in myself & the other women apart of this container over the past 7 weeks brings me to tears… this is just the beginning… so grateful I listened to that inner knowing & nudge to take this journey. It saved me & changed my life forever.

Pricing options

This bundle is valued over $2,000 - don't miss out on this!