What's Inside:

DEVOTED - a 7 day pleasure activation

  • 1

    Masterclass 1

    • Devoted Masterclass 1: Awakening the Pleasure Body

  • 2

    Masterclass 2

    • Devoted Masterclass 2: The Sexually Expressed Woman

  • 3

    DAY 1: Inner Priestess Activation

    • Inner Priestess Activation

  • 4

    DAY 2: Building a Sacred Altar in Devotion to Your Pleasure Body + Ancestors

    • Building a Sacred Altar in Devotion to Your Pleasure Body + Ancestors

  • 5

    DAY 3: Wise Womb Connection + Embodiment Practice

    • Wise Womb Connection + Embodiment Practice

  • 6

    DAY 4: Sacred Touch Embodiment Practice

    • Sacred Touch Embodiment Practice

  • 7

    DAY 5: Releasing Past Lovers

    • Releasing Past Lovers

  • 8

    DAY 6: A Love Letter to Your Inner King

    • Love Letter to Your Inner King

  • 9


    • Pleasure Practice Resources

  • 10

    BONUS: Sacred Self Intimacy Masterclass

    • Reclaiming Pleasure + Self Intimacy Masterclass

  • 11

    Pleasure Activation Meditation

    • Pleasure Activation Meditation

This course is for you if...

  • You want to experience embodied confidence in your Sensual Nature

  • You long to birth your creative ideas into the world

  • You know you're ready to step more fully into your power as a Woman, but aren't sure how

  • You long to attract your partner and enter sacred Union

  • You feel blocked from wealth + prosperity and are ready to open up to divine, abundant overflow

How It Works

This isn't your average masterclass... this is a full on activation and you'll get to experience 7 juicy days of embodied integration in a sacred container with me.

  • DEVOTED Session 1:

    In our first session together, you'll open yourself up to the potential that resides within you. Activating the Sensual Feminine Body, tuning into your Divine Desires, explore the power of orgasms, dive into womb awakening and the Spiritual significance of sex energy – why it matters & how can radically change our life.

  • DEVOTED Integration:

    For 7 full days, you'll have some of my most potent practices to awaken and embody your divine sensual nature. During this 7 day Integration, you'll experience: • Day 1: Evoking the loving priestess • Day 2: Curate an Altar in devotion o your body + ancestors • Day 3: Wise Womb Connection Embodiment Practice • Day 4: Ceremony for releasing past lovers reclaiming sovereignty • Day 5: Sacred touch Embodiment practice • Day 6: A letter to your inner King and your sacred Vow.

  • DEVOTED Session 2:

    By the end of the 7 days, you'll be bursting with a newfound passion for life. In session two, I'll invite you into deep sacred union with your Sensual Self to unlock and unleash the pleasure goddess within. Now that you're activated, it's time to finally embody who you really are and create massive, orgasmic shifts in your daily life – living fully turned on.

Meet Your Guide.


Chelsea Adair

Hey Queen, I'm Chelsea. As an initiatress of sacred womb rites, orgasmic pleasure, and the embodied feminine - I'm here to guide you back to your sacred, sexual truth.

Growing up in a religious background with an insatiable hunger for God and the Divine, I found myself questioning the constructs I was indoctrinated to believe. Shame, guilt, and a repression of desires never felt like my authentic, spiritual truth. I've always had a deep longing to connect joy, pleasure, and energetics to the unseen... and through my own journey, I have found the sacred gateways to God - the portals of my Yoni and Womb. I'm deeply devoted to sharing this work with women everywhere... ready to come along?


Are you ready to find the sweet spot of full surrender + deep receivership?

Listen babe... you deserve to live a fully turned on life.

Your ability to embody the sensual feminine within you ACTIVATES your inner masculine.

It calls Him forth into his highest evolution.

It calls the sacred Masculine within you to the foreground.

The Sacred Inner Masculine is confident, trustworthy, stable, secure, on purpose, present, passionate and the deepest embodiment of Truth.

Your sacred inner masculine is what supports you in having opulent wealth, standing in your power, and trusting Life.

Basically...He turns you the f*ck on.

This is what supplies your body with the orgasmic pleasure of being ALIVE.

The feminine craves to be held by the masculine in order to be in her FULLEST expression.

And guess what?

It all lives within YOUR pleasure body.

The capacity to feel and experience pleasure in the body is a mirror for our capacity to experience pleasure in our everyday life.

You must ease into this way of being with a sense of reverence in order for the body to build trust.

Here's How This Class Will Help

In this 2 part masterclass, you will not only learn about the electric energy of the embodied feminine – you will begin to activate the codes buried deep within you.

  • Reclaim your desires

    What stories have you been telling yourself about sexuality and pleasure? Are they even yours? Connect to the karmic ties and your lineage to release what does not belong to you.

  • Honor your Body as a temple

    Your body is an altar. When you show up to her in reverence, she feels your devotion and opens up to receive the magic of life. Build a new relationship with your body and invite her into deep connection.

  • Build trust + safety

    Gently open the door to your sensual body and self pleasure practice through embodiment - this will create a sense of trust for the nervous system, opening you up to ecstatic pleasure.

  • Experience orgasmic magnetism

    During the 7 day integration period, magic will start to happen (ahhh this is the best part)!! Manifestations begin to come to life. And it is going to feel so fucking good.

  • Apply daily practices

    This class ins't simply transformational. You'll receive a daily practice to your email in the week between classes so that you can integrate what you learn and stay connected through the process.

  • Awaken the magic of the womb

    Our bodies are wise - and oftentimes hold stories + experiences with past lovers. Clear space and bring to life the true power of your womb.

  • Witness the shifts

    Expect nothing, experience everything. This is the divine dance, babe. Life wants to make love to you. Surrender & Receive, receive, receive, receiveeeee....!!!

DEVOTED: 2 Part Masterclass

Masterclass 1: Awakening the Pleasure Body • Masterclass 2: The Sexually Expressed Woman • 7 juicyyy practices to integrate and embody the sensual self you activate in this class • $222